In questa pagina puoi confrontare 26 prezzi per MANGIAROTTI in Piemonte, Verbano-Cusio-Ossola. Il prezzo medio per il prodotto cercato è di € 72.
Angelo Mangiarotti. Quando le strutture prendono forma. Edizione a colori; LIBRO ABIS - ASIN: 8892823604
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ANGELO MANGIAROTTI VOL.13 COLEÃ?Ã?O FOLHA GRANDES DESIGNERS (Português) Capa Comum â?? 2012 - ASIN: 8563270958
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Presenting vases and bowls as sculptural pieces carved from marble, Angelo Mangiarotti s Marble series speaks to its creator s work as an architect, sculptor and designer. This tall and slim vessel takes cues from the white marble it is carved from, offering an almost sensual guise defined by curved edges and a soft silhouette, balanced by the heaviness of the stone. Produced by Karakter, the item can be positioned independently for a poignant display, or assembled alongside similar pieces for a memorable gathering.
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Angelo Mangiarotti - ASIN: 4887062419
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Editore: Mondadori Electa; Autore: G. Barazzetta; Collana: Ad esempio; Formato: Libro rilegato; Anno: 2015 - ASIN: 8891805696
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Angelo Mangiarotti e la fabbrica SIAG. La storia di una «costruzione infinita» - ASIN: 8862422482
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Oggetti da tavola e da cucina
Angelo Mangiarotti. La tettonica dell assemblaggio. Ediz. italiana e inglese - ASIN: 8836632246
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Album sportivi e figurine
Album sportivi e figurine
Album sportivi e figurine
Università e adulti
Designed in 1962, Angelo Mangiarotti s Plexi lamp is a minimal light with a big impact. Comprising an upper steel cylinder, which is attached to a clear Plexiglass component, this small version of the slim tubular light pendant casts light directly from its lower end, as well as illuminating spaces more widely from its upper segment. As such, it s suited to a range of residential and commercial spaces and may be combined with identical pieces from the same collection for a bespoke chandelier setup. Suitable for EU and UK markets.
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Designed in 1962, Angelo Mangiarotti s Plexi lamp is a minimal light with a big impact. Comprising an upper steel cylinder, which is attached to a clear Plexiglass component, this large version of the slim tubular light pendant casts light directly from its lower end, as well as illuminating spaces more widely from its upper segment. As such, it s suited to a range of residential and commercial spaces and may be combined with identical pieces from the same collection for a bespoke chandelier setup. Suitable for EU and UK markets.
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Designed by Angelo Mangiarotti in 1986, the Askos pitcher is inspired by the urns that were used for oils and unguents in Ancient Greece. Made entirely by hand using mouth-blown glass, the pitcher is characterised by a sculptural appearance and a satin- and acid-etched finish that sits in contrast with a transparent base and top edge. Produced exclusively for Poltrona Frau since 2018, the pitcher features the Poltrona Frau logo, made from sand, as well as Angelo Mangiarotti s signature.
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A remake of Angelo Mangiarotti s 1988 crystal Pura bowl, this white Carrara marble version of the timeless dish was created exclusively for Poltrona Frau. With its grey veins brought to the fore in clear light thanks to the differing variations in the thickness of the marble, the bowl s transparency and opaqueness become defining features alongside an asymmetrical shape that causes the bowl to lean to one side. In Poltrona Frau tradition, the base consists of a circular brass plate with a ruthenium finish that is engraved with Mangiarotti s signature and the Poltrona Frau logo.
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Il prodotto "Mangiarotti" si riferisce a una serie di opere create dall'architetto e designer italiano Angelo Mangiarotti. Mangiarotti è conosciuto per il suo stile sobrio e funzionale, che ha influenzato il design italiano del XX secolo. Tra le sue opere più famose vi sono mobili, lampade, oggetti da tavola e prodotti per la casa. I prodotti "Mangiarotti" si caratterizzano per la loro semplicità ed eleganza, nonché per la loro attenzione ai dettagli e alla qualità dei materiali utilizzati. Le sue creazioni sono spesso considerate icone del design italiano e sono molto apprezzate sia dai collezionisti che dagli amanti del design moderno. Mangiarotti ha collaborato con numerose aziende di design e ha esposto le sue opere in mostre e musei di tutto il mondo. Il suo lavoro continua a ispirare designer e appassionati di design oggi, dimostrando la sua duratura influenza nel campo del design e dell'architettura.